• United Arab Emirates


  • Amman Jordan



French Happy Club.jpg


  • Switzerland



  • Durban South Africa






  • Cyprus Happiness Club



Jane Bradley conducts workshops for the caregiver professions.
For information call: 905-684-6242, e-mail:
No meetings scheduled currently.

Geneviève Tremblay and Marie Josée Boudreau are the club facilitators.
We had our first meeting Tuesday, March 6th. It was just G-R-E-A-T! Joyful and truthful, those are the two words that come to my mind to describe that moment shared together. We were only 8 this time, as it was Spring break, many were away. But I think next time, from the emails I got up to now, we will have much more. But the numbers we had has nothing to do with the success of that meeting: we all left enthusiast about living a great and fulfilling life. Next time, we were thinking of adding 30 minutes before the Happiness Club meeting to hold a Laughter Club meeting for those interested to get there earlier and live that experience. I am a laughter yoga leader too, so I thought, why not? It is so wonderful to laugh without any reason in group.
Our meetings will include the following:
1 - Presentation on the factors constituting the IRB (Indice relative du bonheur), a very interesting work of a fellow Quebecois, Pierre Côté who conduct an "observatory" on happiness (he surveyed over 43 000 people to know what happiness was all about). For more info:
2 - A circle of "sharing-listening", where we can experience what is like to truly listen and be listen. The focus is on sharing our experiences related to cultivating happiness.
3 - A "happiness challenge", bringing people to take and share a challenge they want to undertake for the next month. As a coach, I love to accompany people to challenge themselves to be happier right away (why do we need to wait any way!).
I also updated our website to be prepared to promote our new clubs that will be opening soon. I don't know if you read French, but it is at:
I got myself inspired with my own experience of running a Laughter Club and coaching support groups to set up the "frame". As we go along the way, I will update with the experience we will be gaining."
Geneviève Tremblay, M.Sc.A.
Région de Montréal :
514 543.8722 / 514 933.5482
Numéro sans frais : 1 855 543.8722

Geneviève Tremblay and Marie Josée Boudreau are our Ambassadors of Happiness for Canada.
They have started one Happiness Club already and are working on starting more of them.
Please don't hesitate to contact them
and allow them to help you get your Happiness Club started.
They are wonderful to work with.
Région de Montréal :
514 543.8722 / 514 933.5482
Numéro sans frais : 1 855 543.8722


The first meeting was held on Thursday, July 3, 2008 at 8:00 PM.
Once a month at 8:00-9:30 PM at The Israel Center, 22 Keren Hayesod, Jerusalem, Israel 91141, Phone: 2-566-7787.

Rabbi Zelig Pliskin is the facilitator and author of Gateway to Happiness and 23 other books. Phone: 2-566-7787. Everyone welcome. No fee.


The meetings are for women. As regards information for any woman wishing to join our branch, it is in the Neve Yaakov suburb of Jerusalem, Israel. Meetings are conducted in a volunteer's apartment. Any woman wishing to attend a meeting should contact Esther for details as to when and where the next meeting will be held.

Esther Leah Avner is the group facilitator.
Esther's phone is 02 583 7145 & e-mail


July 26, 2010 was the first meeting.
 Marcie is a young woman who has been a quadriplegic for the past four years, ever since a failed operation for a blood clot left her paralyzed in all but three of her fingers, and unable to speak. Marcie lives in a hospice. Almost everyone else there has terminal illnesses, Marcie does not. She needs total health care due to her condition. Although Marcie can't talk, she radiates a positive way of being. Her mind was unaffected and her ability to maintain an inner equilibrium
and a capacity for joy is a thing of wonder.

At Sahra's first meeting, she asked Marcie what thoughts enable her to go on, and she replied (she spells out words by pointing to letters on an alphabet board)
1) that she doesn't think about what she's missing
2) that it could be worse, and
3) that she is not alone.

Marcie suggested that every day at 4:00 PM (the hour they meet on Mondays)
we should all simultaneously be happy for one whole minute.
Sarah is the daughter of Norman Cousins (June 24, 1915 - November 30, 1990) who was an American political journalist, the author of many books, a professor, and a world peace advocate. Norman was well know for his book: Anatomy of an Illness As Perceived by the Patient.
Sarah Shapiro is the author of many books including her newest one, A Gift Passed Along, A woman looks at the world around her. There are many words to describe Sarah Shapiro's writing: literature of the highest order, refreshing, intriguing, insightful, moving, funny, touching. We could go on - but the only way to truly appreciate her is to read her.
Sarah Shapiro is the facilitator. Her e-mail is:


The first meeting was held on Saturday, July 26, from 3:00 - 5:00 PM.
Dina says: "Am just a happy soul with a purpose to help make others realize what a blessing it is to be alive and that life is truly beautiful. Monthly meetings at The ZEN Restaurant - what better place to have a Happiness Club. The restaurant ( is in a stunningly beautiful location in the park on a lake!!!

Dina Sabnani is the club facilitator. Dina's email:
Find out more on Facebook:
Dina made the front page of the newspaper. Check it out: Click here: City Times - In pursuit of happiness


Feel free to join and please invite your Happy Friends to join the virtual Happiness Club on facebook. Here is the link for Facebook to click on:
I'm going to create a real Happiness Club sometime soon. I understand that it'll be the first in Jordan, and we'll have monthly meetings. Please let me know if you are interested in joining! Thank you for creating the Happiness Club! I think it is a brilliant idea! I discovered it by chance a few weeks ago, as I was preparing for a workshop on Happiness. Was it a coincidence? For the past year or so, I was thinking of creating a group that is uplifting, but couldn't determine what it is all about exactly. I think the Happiness Club is ideal for what I had in mind. I downloaded the e-booklet on how to start a Happiness Club here in my city in Amman, Jordan. Thank you for your willingness to take positive actions, and may you always be Happy, Zafira
Zafira Labadi is the group facilitator


I hosted my first session on 30th of January, 2015. I shared my stories and personal information at this meeting. My happiness habits are quite simple - exercise, eating right and mindfulness. For the second session I have plans to do a mini "laughter workshop." Working on wellbeing and increasing my happiness is something that I am always interested in. I want to discuss and meet like minded people.

I was told at 18 years of age that I would experience bought's of depression and or anxiety for the rest of my life! After a lot of pushing myself, some counseling and lots of determination I have had no depressive episodes for 5 years! :)

Meetings will be monthly.
Miriam Cain-Allen is the new club facilitator. Her e-mail:


The first Happiness Club meeting took place on May 7, 2015. The location was the Plymouth Arms restaurant in St Faggans, Cardiff. The meetings will be monthly.

Dr. Ruth Searle is the facilitator. She lives in the city of: Chepstow in the state of: Monmouthshire, Wales, UK. Her e-mail is: Dr. Ruth's website is:

Dr Ruth Searle is a marine biologist and writer. She has her own humpback whale research foundation ( and has a PhD in humpback whale ecology and behaviour. She is a published writer of several self help books, including one on happiness (The Thinking Person''s Guide to Happiness). She has a former career as a nurse and midwife. I decided to be happy and take control of my thoughts and my life. A real success story! I'm so glad of those challenges now as they've made me change direction and become the person I am. Now I want to help others turn their lives around and be happy!

Regarding HAPPINESS, I used to feel that I should keep praying to God to ask him to make people HAPPY, until I understood that in order for people to be HAPPY, I should be HAPPY and help others be HAPPY.
At each meeting we are going to assign a book. Every participant will be asked to read one chapter of the
book and explain it to the other participants. Articles will be discussed during the session.
Laughing sessions are primordial.
Meeting Frequency: Every first Sunday of the month
George Araman is the facilitator and Happiness Practitioner


We start our third year of Happiness Club on the beach, with a pleasure bigger and bigger!
The first hour, we practice laughter therapy: games, playful sophrology, dances, singing, laughter yoga and, of course, big burstof laughter. Then, after a relaxation, the Happiness Club starts with a different theme each month. The facilitator introduces a new author or book, the group discusses about it and then it is time to make individual exercises on an exercise book. People who want to share their experience can and after that, everybody goes home with homework until the next month.
Corinne Cosseron is the facilitator. She is also the founder of The International School of Laughter.
Date & Time: Each first Sunday of the month, 10:30 – 12:30 A.M.
Place: Frontignan Plage (34110) – PORT EST, av des Cormorans. RV on the Beach.
Phone : + 33 (0) 625 706 936
Website: and


I'm a coach, a psychology and an NPL practitioner and teach it as well. I have been at Frontignan, France to laugh with Corinne (Frontignan Happiness Club) and I often lead a laughing group, around Lyon. Lyon is in the center of France, near the Alpes, and near Geneva, and 3 hours to the Mediterranean Sea.

I enjoy coaching and helping people to be happy by transforming their emotions, by just smiling every morning, by being "ecologic" to themselves, by knowing what they really want in life. They are the Most important person....I believe and I'm sure That God is Here in Us...He's very powerful....And we can be that part of God,  if we show Him the way to express His power by installing Joy and Happiness in Us. 
Life is about finding and recovering that natural happiness we had and feel how simply LOVE and JOY can lead us to success and lightness. I have opened a "Happiness Club" school in Lyon.

The first one will be the 3rd of march at
6 30 - 9 00 PM. The subject is: How to find our aims and how to feel the emotion it would bring. People will learn how emotions can lead us to our aim without any effort. Then we'll have 30 minutes of laughter. This happiness School will be on the first Tuesday of each month. It will cost 25.

Happiness, Success, Joy, depends only on US. Helen Hélène Laporte, HL2C
website: email: phone: 06 33 85 59 65

Lyss, Switzerland
First meeting will be held in September, 2013. Meeting monthly.
Ursula Schneider Rahm is the club facilitator. E-mail:
I am fully convinced of what happiness and flourishing means to us. There is not one day I do not see at least
2 or 3 people who lose track of their lives and certainly also sense as they give in to extrinsic factors and do not
take any time to look at their inner life. "I always look on the bright side of life." - Wisdom from Ursula Schneider Rahm

Porto, Portugal
The first meeting was on the 5th of February 2013. Meetings are on the 1st Tuesday of each month.
Lurdes Rocha is the facilitator in partnership with Joana Coutinho - Psychologist
Email: Website:


Durban - South Africa.
The second meeting will be on Wednesday, September 9, 2009 from 7.30 PM to 9.00 PM
Bernard & Joanne will be presenting: "The 18 simple rules of happiness." Designed to shift your perspective, helping you to rediscover the happiness, joy & laughter you may have forgotten. They're simple, they're elegant, they're easy. Come along this journey with us and let us together share & experience a deeper and fulfilling life. "Life is a great big canvas...throw all the paint on it you can. May your day be fashioned with, joy and sprinkled with dreams and touched by the miracle of love. "
Bernard & Joanne Hathrill are the facilitators.
For reservations and information Call: 0838822200 or e-mail:


Meeting in Yerevan, Armenia
First meeting was held on December 12, 2013.
Artak Aloyan is the club facilitator. E-mail:
The club will hold monthly meetings
This is the first Happiness Club in the county of Armenia.
Artak Aloyan was born and raised in a little industrial town in the north of Armenia, in a family of doctors. He moved to the capital city of Yerevan at the age of 16. Artak is a Certified Management Consultant and Leadership, Personal Growth Trainer. He was awarded his Master of Arts (MA) in 2001 from the American University of Armenia. Artak has more than 10 years' experience in training, consulting, coaching for a wide variety of clients ranging from top International Organizations to local non-profits and commercial banks.

Mumbai, Maharastra, India
The first meeting was held on December 6th, 2012. Meeting Monthly.
Chitaranjan Mahapatra is the club facilitator.

Meeting are held Monthly in Bangalore, India.
Bashob Nandi is the club facilitator and his e-mail is:
He is an Engineer in the profession of Information Technology working out of Bangalore, India. Bashob believes in giving as a symbiotic activity where both the giver and recipient get their own share of joy. His activity in social space is that of mutual happiness and had always been at a personal level. Now he desires to bring it to a community in an organized fashion. 'Right to Happiness,' to him, is a fundamental personal and social right. But there are people who have lost their smiles in the course of their living. Bashob firmly believes that the earth has people in abundance who need to help others. He wants to facilitate in bridging between these two groups. Bashob wants himself to be remembered as someone who could reciprocate the goodness in others. His social buzzword is "Share your Smile" - you need to smile and spread the smile to others too.

Madhu Giruka is a Psychotherapist, Philosopher, Philanthropist, Author, Motivator, professional hypnotist and NLP expert.
He is also the founder of the
Mr. Madhu Giruka observed that most of the people are suffering with issues in their life. Some of the issues can be relationship, fear, Grief and loss, low self-esteem, job security, expectations, wealth and more. Resulting in unhappiness, failures, addictions, anxiety, depression, stress and health related issues. Mr. Giruka did research for over a period of time into human behavior to understand the factors to be happy in the life and successful, using very powerful tools which includes Positive Psychology, Hypnotism, NLP, Binaural Beats and Quantum Physics. Mr. Giruka is helping people to identify their core limiting beliefs, which will be unique among individuals and refactor them into empowering beliefs which brings in happiness and success.
He is also helping corporates to setup their own Happiness Club
and improve productivity of their staff resulting in success of individuals and organizations.
Location: Bangalore, India.

This is the second Happiness Club in India started on April 1, 2010
I am exited about startingthe club here in Kerala state India. I have spoken to some of my friends about the matter and they will be looking at the Happiness Club website as well. I will arrange to have a meeting at my office as soon as possible. We have four of us in the office and I will be sharing the information about the club with others and will be inviting them to come.
I am a motivational speaker and have spoken to 28 schools recently and have spoken to more than 3,000 students. Now my desire is to become a motivational speaker like Zig Zigler because I was so inspired by reading about his life in the book, Over The Top! I live with my family and have two kids. We are so happy and my wife is a pastors daughter. I was a missionary in the northern part of India with Operation Mobilization, an International Christian Mission based in England. My desire is to help maximize people's lives so they can live a positive life regardless oftheir circumstances. GodBless you! GodlyJohn, India
Godly John is the club facilitator. His phone is: 09656487635 and his e-mail: 

Happy Life Circle (HLC) is Global Community, an Internet based club of Happiness. HLC is network of happiness beyond the limitations of boundaries and religions.
"Happy Life Circle is my little way to share and make this world a little better to live, love and enjoy. Becoming a part of HLC would not only make a certain elevation to your personal happiness level, but also you would be sharing your part in Global Happiness.
Shuja Ch is the founder and facilitator of Happy Life Circle. He is Telcom Engineer by profession. Shuja has developed a deep understanding about Law of Attraction, metaphysical and spiritual laws. He is a certified NLP and Reiki practitioner. Shuja has been offering and delivering lectures and seminars on the related subjects. Shuja Ch is devoted to the growth of HLC and the spread of Happiness across the globe. Presently he is living in Lahore, Pakistan.
Please join on: Facebook:

Comedian Ken Dodd was right when he sang that happiness is 'the greatest gift' we possess. And the Happiness Club, which I first launched in Glasgow in April 2011, is proving to be the perfect way of spreading that message. Life is very rarely ever a straight line; it goes up and down all the time. Happiness gives you resilience to cope with anything that life throws at you, to bounce back on your feet and make life better. Happiness creates success too - everyone benefits when we feel good, positive emotions spread out so we can create better things for ourselves and others too. If people understand this and know how to go about it, just think how much better our society could be. The people who attend the Happiness Clubs are ordinary people with normal reactions to everyday problems. What makes them extraordinary is that they want to create solutions for themselves and are willing to learn new things and put them into action. They are focusing on being happier, not just less miserable. We focus on the positive outcome of Happiness, to explore how to change mind sets and reduce depression and stress. Our Happiness Club now has over 100 members, many of whom have described the club as being 'positive, inspiring and fantastic'. Building on that success, I am now trying to connect more with local communities, as I believe that the Happiness Club ideas could expand out and have a greater impact. I want to connect with other local groups, businesses and individuals working in the fields of happiness and wellbeing so that we can all benefit from the collective drive. So Happiness and Wellbeing in Bishopbriggs was developed and we held our first event in November 2011. The Happiness Club for Bishopbriggs launched on 7th February 2012 and there are other clubs are in the pipeline.

I have seen people be floored by depression, which left them feeling so low and bleak, unable to express or feel any emotion. I wanted to find a way to help people to step out of this negative mindset, to feel more positive and break free from the negative spiral. The Happiness Clubs show people how to do that - how to be more positive and happy to improve the quality of their mental wellbeing, their lives and the lives of those around them. People are taught how to feel happy and to share that with others, spreading positive energy to increase those upbeat times.

My thirst for personal development has led me to explore topics on everything from spirituality, the soul, reincarnation, neuroscience, the power of the brain, quantum universes, emotional intelligence and loads more. I read a lot of positive psychology books, self help books and learned a variety of alternative therapies. The real breakthrough came when I learned NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming)- it blew my mind with such fast results and a whole set of tools to change the mind set.

I also taught my two children, Calum and Kirsten, the techniques that I had learned and their minds grew, they understood that they could change how they felt. Tragically, in October 2007, just a few weeks short of his 13th birthday, Calum lost his life to meningitis. The impact of Calum's death shook me to my very core. The grief, depression, panic and anxiety were overwhelming. I questioned so many of my values trying to make sense of what had happened. But I vowed that I would be happy again, that our family would survive this tragedy. I wanted Calum to be proud of us and to recognize us as the family he knew if he could see us.

Scotland's Happiness Revolution: Not content with starting up local clubs, I have also kick-started an initiative to get others talking about Happiness too. This initiative is for practitioners, trainers or anyone interested in sharing, developing and encouraging more Happiness-focused events throughout Scotland. It's about getting the message out there that you can make a difference. Seeing someone blossom and open up their mind to the possibilities around them is awe inspiring. Seeing someone smile and feel happy is worth its weight in gold.

Kim Macleod, The Happiness Club



On February 21, 2016 had it's first meeting. The Cyprus Happiness Club consists of fifteen wonderful women. Men are always welcome in the club, but so far we have not had a male attend our meetings. We aspire that our membership will grow as someone brings a new person along at each meeting.

This club meets once a month.

Dr. Niki Christodoulou is the facilitator. Email:
Dr. Niki Christodoulou is a Certified Life Coach, Certified Neuro-Linguistic (NLP) Coach and Certified NLP Practitioner. In her work as a Life and NLP Coach, Niki gives seminars and workshops as well as private consultations which aim to empower and guide people in overcoming limiting beliefs and gaining control of thinking and emotional patterns.


Everyone has their own definition of happiness, and they are entitled to it. My personal philosophy is that happiness is the ability to 'feel good' at a given moment. Life is made up of moments. And our thoughts create these moments...every single one of them. However, true power comes from awareness. The more aware we are of our thoughts, the easier it gets to sift through our thoughts and keep only the ones that serve us. It takes practice, commitment and perseverance to become a selective sifter of thoughts, and I am well aware of that. However, if one persists, s/he will reap the benefits of this process and constantly arrive at a 'happy' feeling. Notice I said 'constantly'... Happiness, therefore, is not a destination but a journey of constantly appreciating every moment with love and gratitude. In a nutshell, happiness is an attitude. This is the attitude and approach that the members of the Cyprus Happiness Club adopt and apply in their life.

Academically, Niki has been teaching English as a Foreign Language for the last twenty six years both in Cyprus and in the United States. She received her doctorate in Teacher Education/Teacher Training from the University of Nottingham, UK and her MA in Education and Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) and BA in International Relations and French from the American University in Washington D.C. Her academic research interests lie in the areas of Reflection, Reflective Practice, Reflective Teaching and Reflective Mentoring, Teacher Education and Teacher Training, Teacher Autonomy and Empowerment, Communication Strategies, Learning Styles and Learning Strategies.